Why CONSISTENCY Is So Important in Many Things

Why CONSISTENCY Is So Important in Many Things

To be consistent at work, to be consistent with children, to be consistent with yourself, to be consistent in a partnership – how do I stay consistent? We encounter consistent and inconsistent action in many contexts, including at work. It is undisputed that it is important to be consistent. This is particularly evident when you look at the consequences of inconsistency: I want to lose weight, but the bastard is bigger. How I would like to learn a new foreign language, but somehow I don’t have the time. But what exactly does it mean to be consistent?

Consistency definition: What does that mean?

Everyone has seen what it means to be consistent with children. Of course, this is not easy, especially as parents, it means having to take unpopular measures: No, after brushing your teeth, sweets are no longer eaten.

The point is to give the child certain pointers that either prevent disputes and conflicts or even serve to protect him. For example, if caries is to be avoided as in the example above. Or the dirty clothes are not stuffed into the designated laundry container. Instead, a parent is allowed to collect the laundry distributed all over the house. And ultimately has twice as much work as if he had asserted himself in his request.

Being consistent also means being steadfast and showing assertiveness when things get uncomfortable and someone else is angry with you.

In the case of children, this means that rules must be explained in an understandable way. And it must be absolutely clear that agreements and rules made are binding for all family members- if the child sees. For example, how the parents eat sweets after brushing their teeth, may cause explanations to be required.

So you become consistent

Be consistent with yourself how do I stay consistent being consistent with yourself means a form of self-management and means that you implement things accordingly. However, this requires some planning. Because you should consider what you want to change or do at all and implement these things at the specified time.

But that also means avoiding excuses or postponing these things. Incidentally, these are two essential points for successful people: planning and implementation.

How do you become more consistent?

Are you annoyed at yourself because you let yourself be softened again, relieve your colleague of your work, and are therefore at home much later? Or have you been planning to attend a course for a year that could advance you professionally, but you can’t pull yourself together?

Here are some tips that can help you:

Choose realistic goals.

Do you want to lose 30 kilos, learn to speak five foreign languages ​​fluently, and attend four 15-hour weekend seminars on project management? And stop smoking in three months? These are ambitious goals, but above all not very realistic – at least all of them viewed at once. The problem is that frustration is inevitable because you will probably reach your limits right in the middle. Instead, set priorities and take a close look at what is feasible – perhaps tackling a little less of everything or tackling one thing specifically. But above all consistently pursuing it.

Listen to yourself.

It is not only important that the envisaged goals are realistic. For success, it is equally important to ask yourself whether these are your goals at all? If you do something because others expect you to do it. Then you will only do it half-heartedly. You will feel inner resistance and will ultimately not be as consistent as it would be to succeed. In the case of colleagues constantly begging for help. Listening in on yourself could also lead to the realization that you are inconsistent because you really don’t want to say no? You may enjoy the feeling of being needed.

Build routines.

Routine sounds boring at first glance. But the advantage is that at some point the plot turns into flesh and blood. As a result, even things that may be difficult for you or that require a certain amount of effort to overcome will become easier over time. For this, it is helpful to set a fixed date or a rule and to keep it. For example, many people have a fixed morning routine.

How it looks in practice is entirely up to you. Some play sports, others walk the dog, and others read. It is only important that you stay with it for the long term and make no exceptions (except in the case of illness or previously scheduled events such as at the weekend).

Find a colleague.

A friend or colleague can be the ideal support when it comes to defeating the inner bastard. For example, if you signed up for the gym, you may find it harder to disappoint your highly ambitious friend than if you did your workout all by yourself. Another advantage of a colleague is that you can exchange ideas and motivate each other and compare learning successes.

Trick yourself.

You can also take on the role of parent to yourself by “punishing yourself” if you fail to do something even though you would have been able to. For example, you skipped the language course twice because the weather was great outside. Decide to practice for half an hour longer than usual. Or you throw few naira notes into a bank for every misstep. At some point in Nigeria, you can afford something nice from the money saved.

Don’t be too strict with yourself.

Despite all of this: If everything doesn’t work right away, you shouldn’t fool missteps into a major catastrophe. This demotivates even more and would be completely exaggerated because a routine does not occur overnight. Instead, perseverance is required here. And check: Consequence does not mean that whoever says A must also say B. Consequence can also mean recognizing that a thing no longer fits the original goals and acting accordingly.

Inconsistency can be expensive

How do I stay consistent? What does inconsistent action look like? Maybe you have encountered one or the other phenomenon at work. Colleagues who swear to take a shift next time are guaranteed.

Or also superiors who are characterized by empty promises: There are prospects of salary increases, promotions, or support from new equipment, but no one looks at whether this can be realized at all. The result: disappointed employees and a broken promise.

Whoever hastily promises things to take them back later, gambles away his credibility and loses the trust of the employees. Will the boss not keep any other promises? If something has a system, in the worst case it can lead to well-trained specialists leaving the company.

Inconsistency can also appear in incidents that are supposed to be harmless, such as a lack of preparation. If, for example, the managing director starts a meeting and then appears unpunctual and unprepared: He not only steals valuable time from his employees that have to be reworked but also puts quantifiable costs in the sand.

The other way around, consequently, also shows leadership skills: The manager is ready to stand up for his actions and gives his employees a clear line that they pursue themselves.

In conclusion, we hope the Scholary Web team provided answers to your queries about Consistency. Feel free to share your thoughts via the comment section of this webpage.

Reference: punchng


Success does not come from what you do on a sporadic basis. It stems from your consistent actions.”

It is critical to be consistent in whatever you do. Consistency is essential for achieving the desired outcome.

The following are a few examples of the significance of consistency:

  1. It gives your life meaning and helps you set meaningful goals.
  2. It aids in the development of routine
  3. It aids in the development of momentum
  4. It creates second-nature habits.
  5. It inspires you to keep going.

Be determined to be consistent in whatever you do as you make plans for the coming year.

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