Npower Build 2025/2026 Recruitment and How to Apply Online

Npower Build 2025/2026 Recruitment and How to Apply Online

The Npower Nigeria will soon commence the 2025/2026 recruitment for N-Build People

This update is to expose you to all you need to know about the Npower Build recruitment 2025/2026. However, we have also provided the full application/registration guild for you.

So prospective Npower Nigeria Beneficiaries, that have been looking forward to joining this programme through the N Build category. Should gently go through this page and apply for jobs online. And also proceed to the next stage of Npower Nigeria recruitment.

The N-Build was created as one of the categories of the Federal Government’s N-Power Programme. Also, the major function of N-Build is to help unemployed Nigerians acquire skills and jobs. Which will reinforce them to become good Technicians, Artisans and Service Professionals.

Educational Qualifications and Other Requirements for Npower Build Job Recruitment 2025/2026

Those that are interested in working for the N-Power Nigeria Scheme. Through the N-Build category are required to meet the list of requirements below, in order to apply for this programme.

  • Applicants should have an O-level qualification, which can be WAEC, NECO or NATBTEB
  • Another criterion that anyone interested in this N-Build 2025/2026 recruitment must meet is to have a Government-issued I.D card, which will prove that he or she is truly Nigerian.
  • Examples of these national means of identification include a National ID Card, Voters Card, Driver’s Licence or International Passport.
  • Applicants should create and maintain a valid email address that will be used for the application and lots more
  • Applicants should be between the ages of 18 to 35 years, in other to effectively discharge duties.

List of Schools that are Normally Accepted for the N-Power Build Scheme (N-Build Recruitment)

Certainly, candidates are expected to present genuinely obtained certificates from secondary schools or post-secondary institutions.

How to Apply for a Job at N-Power Nigeria Scheme through N-Build Category

Interested and Qualified Applicants that have carefully gone through the requirements for this Job should: Click here: or to apply online.

On the other hand, the application method that we have explained above. Is the only method of application that is allowed for this N-Build 2025/2026 recruitment.

Make sure you disregard any information that will direct you to apply for the Npower Build job offline

When Will 2025/2026 Npower Build Recruitment Form Be Out Online

Npower has stated it clearly that the date for the 2025/2026 recruitment application of qualified Nigerians into the Npower Build category is not yet out. Meanwhile, the website will soon be open for Applicants to start online registration.

In conclusion, We will always update this page with the latest news on Npower Build 2025/2026 recruitment. So ensure you share the page for your friends to also apply.

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