Nigerian Army Past Questions and Answers for Recruitment Exam 2024
If you have always wanted to get hold of the Updated and Comprehensive Nigerian Army Past Questions and Answers, then you have landed on the best webpage. Because the Scholary Web team, has compiled the an up-to-date version of the Nigerian Army (NA) Past Questions and Answers, that’s in PDF format for the soon coming Job recruitment examination.
This Nigerian Army PDF material, covers all the DSSC and SSC past questions and answers. Which comprises of 5 years past recruitment exam questions and solved answers. So, if you truly want to become a Nigerian soldier, then make sure you get our up-to-date Nigerian Army DSSC and SSC past questions PDF.
NOTE: even though many of the questions have their answers checked, we also advise you to solve the questions yourself, Before going for the recruitment exam.
What to Expect in this Army Examination
The Nigerian Army Examination consist of three basic parts which includes:
- English language
- Mathematics
- General Knowledge
The English language consist of opposite in meaning, nearest in meaning and filling the gap.
While the Mathematics consist of percentage, ratio, simple interest, sets, probability, sets, statistics, conversions, simple and compound interest, age and work, area and volumes, profits and loss e.t.c.
On the other hand, the General Knowledge usually covers a wide area including the other subjects like chemistry, physics, biology, history of Nigeria, Nigeria current affair, all about Nigerian Army, World organizations such as OPEC, UN, ECOWAS, OAU as well as knowledge of information technology e.t.c.
How to Download the Nigerian Army DSSC and SSC Past Questions and Answers
To get a copy of this Nigerian Army Past questions and answers and equally start preparing, simply follow the procedure below:
Firstly, pay the sum of N2,000 to the bank account below:
Account Name: Anyanwu Innocent Chiebuka
Account No: 2190177328
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After payment, send a text to this number 08060833386 containing your Full name, email address, and NA DSSC & SSC Past Q & A. Once your payment is confirmed. We will send your PDF (E-book) to your email immediately.
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Start Preparing on time, because it was not raining when Noah built the ARK.
Also, try as much as possible not to be among those groups of Candidates, that will wait till they get invited for a Nigerian Army (NA) recruitment exam. Before they will start purchasing past questions and answers, in other to prepare for the Army job recruitment. Because they will not have enough time to prepare.
The Nigerian Army Sample Past Questions and Answers
1.Which of the following will sink when placed on water?
(a) Ball
(b) Plastic Cup
(c) Balloon
(d) Eraser
2. One essential duty of a citizen to his/her state is to………………………
(a) Vote and support the government in power
(b) Recite the national anthem and the pledge
(c) Pay his tax
(d) Encourage other citizens to be loyal
3. A person who flies an aircraft is called……………………..
(a) A captain
(b) A craftologist
(c) A pilot
(d) An aeronautics engineer
4 In parliamentary system of government, members of the parliament are required to report the proceedings of the house to their…………………………
(a) Local government chairman and governors
(b) Constituencies
(c) Political parties and party stalwarts
(d) Traditional rulers
5. Three people witnessed a lady who was robbed in a cyber café and they were asked to describe the mugger. Which of the following best described the mugger?
A) He was tall, of average weight and middle-aged
B) He was tall, thin and young
C) He was average height, thin and middle-aged
D) He was tall, thin and middle-aged
6. Which one of the following key techniques is necessary for all the others to be effective?
A) Communication
B) Teamwork
C) Leadership
D) Technical know-how
1) Choose the word most similar in meaning to – nullify
A. aggravate
B. establish
C. transform
D. invalidate
Answer: Option D
2) Choose the word most similar in meaning to – rebuke
A. censure
B. implore
C. disparage
D. denigrate
Answer: Option A
3) Choose the word most similar in meaning to – unpretentious
A. realistic
B. Problematic
C. pragmatic
D. modest
Answer: Option D
4) Choose the word most similar in meaning to – applause
A. evocation
B. citation
C. commendation
D. acclaim
Answer: Option D
5) Choose the word most similar in meaning to – striated
A. forgiving
B. friendly
C. lined
D. Urgent
Answer: Option C
1) How many faces have a cuboid?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 12 ANS: C
2) A farmer sold 35 bags of rice at 25 % profit. If he sold each bag for ₦7500:00. How much was his profit on 2/5 of the lot.
a. ₦1,875:00
b. ₦65,625:00
c. ₦18,775:00
d. ₦26,250:00 ANS: D
3) What is the product of 5Kg 350g and 9?
a. 45kg 150g
b. 14kg 350g
c. 48kg 150g
d. 14kg 150g ANS: C
4) If eight and a half tonnes of sugar is sold in bags of 5kg. How many bags are there to sell
a. 1.7 bags
b. 17 bags
c. 170bags
d. 1700 bags ANS: D
5) A farmer sold his cock at 20% loss. If the cock was sold for ₦21:00 what was the initial
worth of the cock?
a. ₦27:50
b. ₦25:20
c. ₦26:25
d. ₦20:20 ANS: C
6) In a class there are 50 pupils, if 15 of them are girls, what percentage are boys?
a. 70%
b. 30%
c. 85%
d. 15% ANS: A
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