How To Always Succeed In Job Interviews

How To Always Succeed In Job Interviews using these 10 helpful tips. Which are very applicable in Nigeria and the World at Large, Brought to you by the scholary web team. Simply go through them and learn more.

I was opportune to partake in an online discussion in one forum last night. And the whole discussion was on educating graduates on how to excel in any form of interview and I thought of not being selfish. So I decided to share with Nairalanders because I don’t know who else might need this apart from myself.

Useful Interview Tips

In most of the interviews, you find yourself. It is an opportunity to sell your skills and be accepted by prospective employers. The following will help:

1. Dress for the role you are applying for and for the company: if interviewing in the bank it makes sense to put on your clean white shirt, tie, and corporate suit for instance.

2. Practice non-verbal communication like standing or sitting straight, maintaining eye contact, strong handshake when you are offered, etc.

3. Listen to the questions and you may write down the questions in sequence to help you deal with them all. Clarify the question if not clear and don’t interrupt.

4. Don’t talk too much or too little as you may be talking your way out of preference. Stay on the question and bring perspective in line with the question.

5. Use appropriate language. It is a professional discussion and you avoid using slang or language pointing to gender, religion, ethnicity, Colour, race, or political affiliation.

More Useful Interview Tips

6. Even if you know someone on the interviewers or someone in the company, do not show too much familiarity. Stay on the official conversation…in order not to embarrass the interviewers and yourself with that attitude.

7. Avoid appearing cocky! There is a thin line between being overconfident and being arrogant. You appear to be very overly sociable as the first impression may throw you out of favor in what looks like a first impression.

8. Ask questions when you are given the time to ask but avoid compensation questions until you are asked. Make sure you ask questions to clarify expectations from you and speak as if you are already in the role.

9. Don’t appear too desperate. Maintain your cool, calmness, and confidence throughout the session. After all, if that does not work another will.

10. Be authentic, if you are faced with questions you have no clue about, let the interviewers know you have not experienced this. It gives your perspective if you are in the situation on what you may likely do. But do not create a fictitious solution to the difficult questions.

These are in-exhaustive but following the above will help you win in your next interviews.

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